Artscene 芸術の風景 -アートシーン 展覧会情報


中房総 国際芸術祭いちはらアート×ミックス




会期:2014年3 月21日[金]― 5月11日[日] 52 日間[会期中無休]
主催:中房総国際芸術祭いちはらアート× ミックス実行委員会[会長 佐久間隆義市原市長)]

鑑賞パスポート Fee


作品鑑賞パスポートは、会期中であれば何度も使え大変お得です。(ただし、1作品1 回限り有効。同一作品を2 回以上鑑賞する際は割引適用。) また、交通周遊パスポートは、2回目に来場された場合は作品鑑賞パスポート提示で、1,000 円(中学生以上)、500 円(小学生)、で購入することができます。

一般  3800円
大学生・専門学校・高校生 3300円
中学生 1000円
小学生 500円

市原は、房総半島の中央に位置する人口28 万人の市です。

昭和32 年から始まった臨海部への企業進出により、かつての農村漁村は工業地区に変わり、北部地域では、首都圏で働く人々のベットタウンとして人口急増が進んだ一方、里山や緑豊かな自然が残る南部地域では、過疎高齢化が急速に進んでいます。このような日本の縮図ともいえる発展をしてきた市原では、首都圏の都市が同様に抱えている多くの問題が顕在化しています。

「中房総国際芸術祭 いちはらアート×ミックス」は、南部地域の里山地帯を中心に、美術が持つ地域資源を顕在化する働き、多様な層の人々の協働を促す力を活かしながら、首都圏近郊都市が抱える問題を一歩ずつひらき、解決していくことを目指します。

It's a fine day! Why don't you visit Ichihara?

Naka-Boso International Art Festival Ichihara Art x Mix is held for 52 days from March 21 to May 11.
This totally new art festival is based on the following four points: Utilization of abolished elementary schools; Effective use of transportation including the Kominato railway and bus routes; Rediscovery of local resources such as foods and natural environment; and participation of various people in the event.

[Event outline]
Title: Naka-Boso International Art Festival Ichihara Art x Mix
Period: Friday, March 21 to Sunday, May 11 (52 days without breaks)
Main venue: Southern part of Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture (From Ushiku station to Yoro Keikoku station on the Kominato Line)
Venues in collaboration: Nakaboso region including Mobara City, Isumi City, Katsuura City. Nagara Town, Chonan Town, Ichinomiya Town, Mutsuzawa Town, Otaki Town, and Onjuku Town
Host: Naka-Boso International Art Festival Ichihara Art x Mix executive committee, chaired by Takayoshi Sakuma (mayor of Ichihara City)
Sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan Tourism Agency, and Chiba Prefecture
Cooperated by Kominato Railway Co.

Ichihara City is a home to 280,000 people, located in the central part of the Boso Peninsula.

The old farm and fishing villages were turned into industrial areas as companies started advancing into the coastal areas in 1957. The north part of the city saw a rapid increase of the population as it has become a commuter town for those who working in the central Tokyo. However, in the southern part, where rich green and mountainous environment is preserved, the population is declining and graying rapidly. The city's development provides an epitome of Japan, and there have been many problems that can be seen in many cities in and around Tokyo.

"Naka-Boso International Art Festival Ichihara Art x Mix" is aimed at solving problems of these areas one by one through the power of art, which can help us rediscover the resources of local areas, and the collaboration with people from many walks of life, mainly in and around highland communities in the southern part of the city.